
Saturday 8 October 2011

Sources on Taiwan China identity

Read these in SOAS library yesterday but need to make notes on them.

Christopher Hughes' book, Taiwan and Chinese Nationalism (1997) provides a useful overview of the background to the issues. There's a sympathetic review in The China Journal which points out, though, that it is thin on theory of nationalism and Taiwanese nationalism and identity. Alan Wachman's (1994)

There's an incisive and perceptive review of Hsiau A Chin's Contemporary Taiwanese Cultural Nationalism here that criticises a lack of definition about the disciplinary framework and methodological basis of his analysis; on the other, a lack of co-ordination between theoretical concepts and descriptive facts. These, then, are things I'll need to bear in mind when constructing my thesis. Make sure I use (not just vaguely draw on) critical discourse analysis and weave an analysis of constructivist-materialist tension throughout.

Thoralf Klein and Yves Lim provide reviews of Alan Wachman's (2008) Why Taiwan?, which takes as its thesis the Shi Lang argument that the island is of vital strategic improtance to the Chinese state and its desire for great power status. Materialist and realist factors outweigh any flaky approaches involving imagined communities, intersubjectivity and constructed identities. Wachman's earlier book on Taiwanese identity, National Identity and Democratization, is reviewed by G Meehan in The China Journal. The whole of this issue of the China Journal focuses on Cross-Strait issues. Daffyd Fell's (2005) Party Politics in Taiwan is given a straightforward descriptive review on the website of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office. I'm not too sure about his analysis of the left-right divide in Taiwan. It seems to me a lot more could be made of the authoritarian - liberal axis. Wen Ti Sung
and Shelly Rigger provide more critical reviews.

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